flip flops anonymous

What can I say? I'm addicted!!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

what my heart truly pines for...

Ok ok, I confess that I really just wanted to use the word pine...however, when I was watching T.V. today (a rare occurance) I was randomly reminded of something that I have always really wanted. Several years back, while I was sitting in front of the tube, a commercial that would change my life forever suddenly appeared on the screen. There, in all of its tiny glory stood a house hippo. The male British voice on the T.V. was telling the viewer of all of the conveniences that a house hippo could provide:

British dude: "A house hippo could fit into the small of your pocket...imagine, a house hippo sleeping in your sock drawer".

I was sold. I wanted a house hippo and I wanted one BAD!! Unfortunately, I have never been able to find a house hippo. I mean look at it!! It's adorable!! And it's even freakin the cat out (who needs a watch dog?!). If anyone knows the whereabouts of these infamous creatures known as 'house hippos', please let me know...


Blogger Megs said...


12:30 AM  
Blogger Flip Flops Anonymous said...

yes, she did! you are right sister!

9:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL...you brightened my day...Maia, I forgot how much fun you were! I miss you!

7:10 PM  
Blogger Flip Flops Anonymous said...

hey annette! i miss you too! hope you guys are doing well in good ol' alberta!!

11:30 PM  

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