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Monday, November 13, 2006

The Rock Garden

Last night I attended a 'worship service', called the Rock Garden, for young adults. The Rock Garden actually meets at the church that I grew up in (New Life Community Church in Burnaby). My parents are still heavily involved in this church and, every Christmas Eve, I visit the church so that my family can be together.

The Rock Garden is a truly amazing outreach ministry because it attracts people from the local community. There are people from all different spots in their 'spiritual journey'...some are committed followers, others are simply searching. I'm used to attending worship nights with the youth group I work with, or joining together with my congregation to worship on Sunday mornings...but I haven't really been to very many 'young adult' worship evenings. I'll admit, sometimes when I hear the word 'young adult event' I think "Oh great, here's another opportunity for people to try to hook up - ie. 'meat market'" (haha). But this evening was purely centered on Christ. The band was awesome. The speaker (Regent Professor Rick Watts) was awesome. The fellowship time afterwards was awesome. It was really neat too because I got to re-connect with a lot of the people I grew up with who still attend the church. Anyways, in a nutshell: I was blessed by the evening :) If anyone ever wants to come along, it happens every second Sunday night at 6:30 pm.


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