flip flops anonymous

What can I say? I'm addicted!!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

brace yourself...

Yes, it's true. I went where I have never gone before. I, Maia, substituted Grade 9 and 10 guys P.E. classes. And, you'd better sit down, I taught football.

When I received my early morning phone call it seemed like any other normal tocing job. However, as I drove closer to the school I realized, 'hey, this is a highschool!'. Although I do a lot of work with teens, I have never been a toc (substitute) in a highschool before. I am 'certified' to teach at the elementary level.

I've got to confess...I loved it!! Sure I had no idea what the heck I was doing. I appreciate football. I go and support the BC Lions. But teaching it?! Heck no!! I found myself digging up phrases such as 'everyone huddle', 'who is your QB?', 'try a buttonhook', 'how many downs?' and 'RUN LIKE YOU'VE NEVER RUN BEFORE!!'. If I had to summarize the Grade 9 guys class in one word it would be: hyper-active. The Grade 10's in a nutshell: hilarious. Those guys were so funny! While cheering on the sidelines I found myself laughing more than coaching. I had one enthusiatic guy lead the 'stretching time'...oh my gosh. Gong show if I ever saw one!! They all had a great sense of humour and seemed to be thoroughly enjoying themselves. Anyways, I can now say I've subbed at the high school level and gosh darnit, I had fun!


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