flip flops anonymous

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Thursday, April 05, 2007

EH2: An American Invasion

Last Wednesday night our lives were changed forever *dun dun dun*. Four American guys (Jared, Justin, Evan and Kyle) came to stay at Megs' house for their 'Spring Break' (they attend Maltnoma Bible College in Oregon). Megs went to Capernwary England with Evan and the other three guys came along for the "Canadian Adventure". Oh man, what a BLAST we had with those guys!!!! They are quality guys who are passionate about God and just know how to have some darn good old fashioned fun!! I had the priviledge of hanging out with them every day that they were here...we went to White Rock, into Vancouver, had games nights, went to White Spot, had sushi, took lots of stupid pictures and laughed...ohhhh how we laughed :) We really miss them!! One of the BEST laughs came within the first few minutes of meeting the guys. Megs and I made a sign that said 'Welcome to Canada'. There was a maple leaf in the center of the poster and inside it said 'EH?'. HOWEVER, Justin took one look at it and said "What is EH2?" We busted up laughing. Here is one of the many pictures that we took...I call it 'the perfect American/Canadian sandwich'. The guys are the bread and we are the pb& jelly in the middle!! Here's to new friends!!


Blogger Jenny said...

I was at Capenrway in England!! I feel strangely connected to your life now.

1:13 PM  
Blogger Megs said...


12:33 AM  
Blogger Megs said...


loves. and misses.

2:02 AM  
Blogger Megs said...


8:01 PM  

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